A great week with 12 new birds for Rhode Island! Monday started with Caspian Terns and a Black-headed Gull (rare but not new).
Caspian Terns (Center)
Black-headed Gull
The a lovely photo session with 3 Horned Grebes in Breeding Plumage -- I was so excited (this plumage is pretty rare here) that I texted a friend I had 3 Hooded Grebes -- she was baffled and no wonder.
Tuesday my first bird was a "Heard-only" Northern Waterthrush -- a beautiful song. I looked for it for @45 minutes with no luck -- they are stealthy! A few other lovelies too, including some more fun with the Horned Grebes.
Barn Swallow
Willet looking for guidence...
Snowy Egret with wind-head
Great Blue Heron
Pied-billed Grebe
Tuesday evening at Quonnie was Piping Plover-palooza! 17 of them.
No new birds on Wednesday, but lots of activity and Bird Moments...
Red-winged Blackbirds
Double-crested Cormorant battling with breakfast...
73 Glossy Ibis were in the Weeden Lane field -- Amazing!
Thursday was a FIVE new bird day! Black-bellied Plover when it was too dark for a photo, Green Heron, Bank Swallow (too fast for photo), Cliff Swallow & the star of the show an American Avocet.
Green Heron
Cliff Swallow
Tree Swallow
American Avocet
Friday went to the other side of Rhode Island to see two Cattle Egrets and saw some other beauties along the way.
Cattle Egret
Blue-winged Teal
Fish Crow
Black-crowned Night Heron
Double-crested Cormorant
Savannah Sparrow
A gloomy day to end the week -- but this afternoon is another Game of Wingspan, my new favorite.
Red-winged Blackbird
American Avocet (again)
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Looking forward to some better weather this week -- the birds are definitely coming in!