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Writer's pictureBarbara Seith

All Packed Up

Seems impossible, but I am pretty much packed. Just a few more things to do and I'll be getting to sleep early tonight because I plan to leave very early @3am tomorrow morning. The next two days will be mostly driving, but I am hoping to see "Highway Birds" in every state I pass through.

Highway Birds are most often Red-tailed Hawks & Vultures, but on my trip to Maine last month I had a Pileated Woodpecker flyover on 95 in Massachusetts, so you never know. I can assure you I won't get a photo, but I will track it & post it here.

I have to mention that I have gotten major assists from Rhode Island birding friends in the form of recommendations and boots on the ground reports (because they are down there now). Nothing beats that kind of information regardless of how good you think the internet is. As with Financial reports -- past performance is not necessarily a predictor of future performance. My understanding is that the Ft. Myers/Naples area is still a mess from the hurricane and a LOT of bird habitat is just gone, as are a lot of the birds. I'm glad I know this in advance -- my expectations are appropriately set now for that area.

Got my last new 2022 Rhode Island bird for January, my favorite Falcon - American Kestral, a nice farewell from my little state.

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