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Bird Karma

Writer: Barbara SeithBarbara Seith

What a morning -- the moment of the day when a friend was talking to me while I was looking through my scope, when something landed on it. I didn't realize what until the friend said "What's that". The bird moved from my Scope to my cart for enough time for me to see it was a Warbler (very odd on Quonnie point) -- I saw a black cap so I initially thought it was a Wilson's Warbler.

It was not -- it flew to the shoreline and I was able to get off a few shots just as the folks from the bird walk I was helping with walked up - so everyone got to see it. It was a male Hooded Warbler -- I've had one at that location in the brush before, but never on the beach! AND he was on my scope & cart -- so close I couldn't have taken a photo unless I grabbed the iPhone.

My friend Linda, talks about my bird Karma -- the folks today were calling me a bird whisperer. I'm just amazed -- I love it when the birds come to me.

Quonnie Breachway

Hooded Warbler

Before that there were lots of peeps and a Pectoral Sandpiper on the point.

Short-billed Dowitcher & Willet

Pectoral Sandpiper

Least Sandpiper

Semipalmated Plover

Short-billed Dowitcher

Least Sandpiper & Short-billed Dowitcher

Piping Plover

Semipalmated Sandpiper

Piping Plover

Short-billed Dowitcher & Least Sandpiper

New Camera flight shots -- Short-billed Dowitcher & Semipalmated Sandpiper


Common Grackle

Great Egret

Then there were the Least Terns -- so cute & cooperative

Sand Eel breakfast

Another Least Tern watches

The approach

The exchange

The departure

A Juvi wondering why it didn't get any...

Tuesday at Quonnie again -- with the company of Terns. Happy to have them.

Quonnie Breachway

Semipalmated Plover


Least Sandpiper

Common Tern

Juvenile Least Tern

Common Tern swallowing breakfast

Juvi Common Tern

Common Tern

Started Wednesday morning at Quonnie. It was quiet so I stopped at Succotash too.

Quonnie Breachway

Least Sandpiper

Snowy Egret

Spotted Sandpiper

Juvi Brown-headed Cowbird

Succotash Marsh

Saltmarsh Sparrow

Least Sandpiper at Quonnie Breachway

Thursday was a little cloudy, but nice activity at Quonnie point as the tide rose. Had a visit from Peter Fish and that made me stay longer. Finished up at Spray Rock Lookout in Weekapaug. Something about me lately is very attractive to birds (good thing I like them). This morning I was sitting watching the waves in my car and this bird (a female House Sparrow) flew up to my side mirror @6 times in @5 minutes -- the better (first) photo was went it perched on a nearby rock -- still watching me. I'm starting to believe in my own bird karma...

Quonnie Breachway

Least Sandpiper

Semipalmated Sandpiper

Lesser Yellowlegs

Piping Plover

Semipalmated Sandpiper

Semipalmated Plover

Common Tern

Snowy Egret

Short-billed Dowitcher

Snowy Egret

Short-billed Dowitcher

Least Tern

Semipalmated Sandpiper

Common Tern - FIGHT!

Herring Gull with Breakfast

Semipalmated Sandpiper

Least Tern

Peeps on the point

Friday was a beautiful cool morning. Not a lot of unusual activity except for a juvenile Peregrine Falcon on the grass flats (where the Gulls hang out) at Quonnie. At first I thought it might be a Quail or a Bobwhite -- it was not. The photos aren't great, but got a really good scope look at it and as a Juvi this fierce Falcon is quite adorable!

Next to Succotash where they were banding Saltmarsh Sparrows -- they had mist nets set up in the Sweet Spot, and finally to Mud Pond, which was quiet.

Quonnie Breachway

Juvenile Peregrine Falcon

Great Black-backed Gull with breakfast

Succotash Marsh

Mist Nets

Sam Miller

Aaron Graham

Sam Miller working the nets

Mud Pond

Willow Flycatcher

Got out early on Saturday and it was lovely -- cool with just a little breeze, but most of the birds were on the Sandbar (3 hours before High tide). Did get some good birds in flight photos with the new camera. I am adjusting!

Quonnie Breachway

Least Tern

Least Sandpiper

Great Black-backed Gull with breakfast!

Semipalmated Sandpiper

Piping Plover

Semipalmated Plover with breakfast

Least Tern

Common Tern

Juvi Common Tern

Common Terns -- quite far away

Going to post on Saturday because tomorrow I am off to Long Island to visit a friend & explore Nickerson Beach which has a Common Tern, American Oystercatcher & Black Skimmer Rookery. Hoping for some quality time with baby birds! Wish me good birding! That will likely be a separate post.



@2019 Barbara Seith Unlimited

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