I arrived just after sunup and met a local at the first pavilion which is within the Accessible part of the trail. This trail like many others called Accessible on this trip only had a small portion of the trail paved and truly level. At least the rest of this property had a fairy smooth dirt path around the rest of the property, so with walking poles or someone pushing a wheelchair most of the trail is doable.
I met a number of locals – but the most informative was Christina (I think but maybe Christy) Stark. She gave me some insight to the trails because I was already on them an past the map when I realize it wasn’t as intuitive as I assumed it would be – lesson learned! I walked most of the trails and it came to about 1.5 miles for the loop.
Another birder I ran into was interested in the Ladderback Woodpecker I saw and I told him I was looking for a Cinnamon Teal – about 10 minutes later he came running up to me because he found one. Birders can be the loveliest people!
Then there are the birds –
Abert’s Towhee – Life Bird

American Coot

Cinnamon Teal – Life Bird

Ladderback Woodpecker – Life Bird


Pied-billed Grebe

Snowy Egret flyover – rare there this time of year

Song Sparrow – the old friend

Western Brush Rabbit

An excellent start to the morning – I recommend it as an Accessible trail.