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Citrus County

I was here to visit my cousins and I gave over choice to them. I think they chose well.

Salt Marsh Trail – a fairly short .7 mile walk into a Marsh. It was cold (for Florida) the morning we ventured out and as we were there the bird activity picked up a bit. The outer trails tend to be muddy. I’m told it is usually more birdy.

Wood Stork

Tricolor Heron

Fort Island Trail – Not sure I would call this a trail, it was really a boardwalk. Had my first experience with a Wild Boar – it started with a lot of noise in the marsh and vegetation moving around a LOT. That pig can move – and we were all glad to be on the boardwalk. Had a few fun bird encounters too.

Wild Boar

Eastern Phoebe

Fort Island Gulf Beach – another lovely accessible beach (10 steps from the parking lot) with good restrooms and Free. Tons of Black Skimmers and Laughing Gulls. A few shore birds – Gulf beach.

American White Pelican

Eastern Bluebird - on my cousin's feeder

Homosassa Springs State Park Nature Center – This is a combination of captive, injured and free birds. Since the free birds are fed regularly I didn’t think this was a place to count birds. Took some great photos and although some of the birds would be countable, it was unclear to me that was the case. So no checklist – I expected to see Manatees at least, but apparently they were further out on this day.

Red-shouldered Hawk

Great Horned Owl

Crested Caracara

American Flamingo

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