This is one of those days I almost didn't go out. But someone found a rare hawk a few days ago and I was hoping to catch another look at the Short-eared Owl, so I went. The first hour was pretty dull and rainy.
I was watching a stream where I had seen a Wilson's Snipe last year about this time and 4 Wood Ducks flushed and went to roost in a tree. A little while later I saw a hawk that could be the rare one, but this weather does not allow for decent photos -- so who knows.
I decided to finish up at my local state beach where I try to test my ID skills by looking for the Lapland Longspur that is usually hanging out with the Horned Larks & Snow Bunting -- not today. I was pleased and surprised to see not 1 but 2 Wilson's Snipe in the ponding. Very exciting because usually folks have to walk a long way to see them. Unfortunately they flew before I could get other birders down here.