Very early wake up call to make sure I got a space at Quonnie this morning. Thankfully it was so much cooler than yesterday! My raft of Double-Crested Cormorants were wandering around the pond followed by a bevy of Egrets -- like old times. Lots of little birds on the point -- which is totally my jam.
Only one dog showed up today, but it was an unleashed Labrador. When he stayed down the beach I held my tongue, but the "owner" was throwing a ball and he threw just next to me -- the dog went right past it and after the birds on the point. I told him the dog was supposed to be leashed. He told me there was sign down past the dune (What dune?) that said it was ok to have unleashed dogs down here.
I responded with a friend's favorite admonition -- it is against the law to harass wildlife. He said - his dog was bred to chase birds and he was wildlife. What a non-sequitur -- he agreed to take the dog away (good). When we left we checked for a sign -the only sign we could find said -- Dogs must be leashed at all times unless in a Dog Training area (there is not one at Quonnie) or while hunting. I suppose he could have made a case for hunting, but then I would have had to call DEM. Grrrrr!
I don't like weekends at Quonnie -- but I miss it if I don't go.
