We've had smoke from Canada Wildfires here for the week and winds out of the North because of a Nor'easter stalled off the coast. Birds are still here that shouldn't be and birds that should be haven't arrived yet. Weird!
Monday started off well - at Succotash Marsh I had an Yellow-crowned Night-heron (first of year there) and an Alder Flycatcher was discovered up near Gilbert Stuart Museum. The Alder Flycatcher has a special place in my heart because it was the first Rare bird that I discovered myself at Avondale Farm. I haven't seen or heard one in Rhode Island since, although I did have a few in Maine last week.
Yellow-crowned Night Heron, Succotash Marsh

Willet, Galilee Escape Road

Green Heron, Galilee Escape Road

European Starling, Galilee Escape Road

Bonaparte's Gull, Wesquage Pond

Alder Flycatcher, Marsh near Gilbert Stuart Museum

On Tuesday I went back to Gilbert Stuart because it was very birdy even though I was pretty sure the Alder Flycatcher had flown. Had a nice session there. Ended up at Quonnie to see an odd combination of single birds.
Willow Flycatcher, Succotash Marsh

Eastern Wood-pewee, Gilbert Stuart

Great Crested Flycatcher

Female Red-winged Blackbird

Flora, Snuff Mill Rd

Dunlin, Willet & Semipalmated Plover, Quonnie

Red Knot Watercolor painted on June 6, 2023

A windy morning at Quonnie on Wednesday, but lots of birder company!
Piping Plover

Semipalmated Plover

Semipalmated Plover


Chimney Swift

Barn Swallow near my Garage Door

Due to the intense haze/smoke Thursday's birding was curtailed to Car birding and a mask in place when the windows were open. I've never tried to take photo with a mask on -- not easy because it impedes getting your eyes in the right place. Still got some shots.
Great Blue Heron, Succotash Marsh

Female Mallard, Wesquage Pond

Cedar Waxwing, Wesquage Pond

Canada Goose & Goslings going after another bird, Quonnie

It's a Great Blue Heron, Quonnie

Great Egret Shapes, Quonnie

Willet, Quonnie

Friday took me to Connecticut to avoid the smoke and potentially see the Northern Bobwhite that has been hanging out there -- Heard it, saw it briefly -- no photo. Same for three Cerulean Warblers that were on Pumpkin Hill Road -- but they were singing away! Lousy light didn't help, but got a few photos.
Wood Ducks at the Fish Hatchery

One of many Bank Swallows at the Fish Hatchery

Tree Swallow in Pomfret CT

Eastern Bluebird at Pomfret

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker at Pumpkin Hill Rd.

Saturday I was back at Quonnie @5:45 and greeted by a huge flock of Laughing Gulls -- this is the first day this season there have been more than 10 gulls. So exciting and LOUD - quite the cacophony!
Laughing Gulls

White-rumped Sandpiper

American Oystercatcher

Piping Plover

Yellow-crowned Night Heron (Bookends the week!)

Northern Mockingbird with something going on in its eye.

Sunday was quick, I have a ailing cat at home and didn't want to leave him alone for too long. Did my Responsibility Survey across the street and found one bird (Common Yellowthroat) MIA. Hopefully I just missed it this time and it will return.
Took a drive up at Ell/Long Ponds to revel in the Mountain Laurel and such. It was a lovely morning drive and I will post some photos next week.