When I go birding I expect to find a new bird every time. Not only a new bird, but a new unexpected bird. Do I find a new bird every time?
Do I find a new bird half of the time?
I find a new bird about 80% of the time. That is a batting average of 800. Not bad.
My cousin’s husband comes from a lobstering family, said family is “fishy”. My cousin’s husband is not. Prior to learning this I thought “fishy” was not good – kind of sketchy or suspicious. But No! Fishy in this context is good, in fact, very good.
I believe I am “birdy”. Even though I don’t find one every time, I often do. I find them when I am happy and a peace being in nature.
I am grateful when that happens.
You gotta have a dream If you don't have a dream How you gonna have a dream come true?