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About Westerly

Westerly, Rhode Island is a beachfront community on the south shore of the state with a population of roughly 23,000 during off season. It’s a warm and welcoming and lovely place, and I’d been casually looking to relocate here for ten years before I actually made the full time move in 2019.


Of course, The View and the beach access were a big draw; but there was more that attracted me to Westerly specifically. I have family in town and friends up and down the small coastline; there’s an active senior community, it’s easy to meet people. I’ve always been an urban girl, so making the transition to small town life, especially one that has now become increasingly focused on chasing Westerly birds – and exploring the riches and wonders of coastal nature in the process – is a whole new experience for me.
















I had to make some adjustments, sure. The big city life accoutrements I’d grown accustomed to – big brand stores, a 7-eleven on every corner, a plethora of entertainment options – are no longer at my fingertips. Still, I wouldn’t trade the sight of a Greater Yellow Legs standing in a Westerly salt pond for all the 7-11 blueberry coffee in Connecticut.


My new life in my new forever home town is truly – in the perennially perfect words of Carole King: a tapestry of rich and royal hue, an everlasting vision of the ever-changing view.


With the beauty of Westerly woven through.


Come see for yourself.

@2019 Barbara Seith Unlimited

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